Honoring Ancient Themes with Sanskrit Tattoo Designs

8:45 AM Posted by jaringan baik

In my parents generation, tattoos were the providence of criminals and thugs. The only "respectable" types to get inked were soldiers. These days, tattoos are much more mainstream-popular with everyone from students to businessmen. Some of the more popular types are sanskrit tattoo designs.

It is more and more common now to see a sanskrit design on the lower back or arm of the spiritual,lovers of art, or even those who collect memories by scrapbooking.

The Mother Tongue

Sanskrit is believed by most to be the origin of language. Having a sanskrit design, in a sense, transcends time and connects you with the ancient ways and mysterious places.
Another interesting fact is that sanskrit is a very precise language, and is not subject to the ambiguities of english.
This means that Sanskrit is a good "in memory" tattoo design.

Let Your Skin Whisper of Ancient Things

In memory tattoo designs are normally symbols or meaningful phrases. Generally they mean something special, and show adoration of a loved one or serve as a reminder of a special time.
To make your in memory tattoo design stands out, Sanskrit tattoo designs can be used instead of typical English letters. Find the characters that translate into your lovers name, or a symbol that represents a beloved ideal. Bring the translation to a tattoo artist, and have a permanent reminder.

Sanskrit tattoo designs aren't just for lovers. If you have a spiritual message or concept that is part of you, Sanskrit tattoo designs are perfect way to communicate your message of praise and gratitude. Sanskrit is (and was) believed to be a spiritual language. A divine message in a divine language.

Perfect Symbols for the Artistic and Adventurous

For an art lover or a lover of history, you can't go wrong getting Sanskrit tattoo designs done. The Sanskrit language has a rich history that cannot be ignored easily. Representing your passions and interests via permanent art is a satisfying way of connecting with who you are.

A Sanskrit tattoo is an easy way to show people that you love art. The horizontal design and curved edges make it a very flexible script to design, and thus can be drawn in as simple as an armband or an elaborate image.

Old and New

Although it is true that the Sanskrit language is considered dead, with the birth of Sanskrit variations, we can say that the ancient language is new again.

In fact, the use of Sanskrit tattoo designs make the Sanskrit language "undead" even if the language isn't spoken to outloud. Your skin speaks the ancient language.


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